Christ follower, wife, mama, and holistic living enthusiast!
Why holistic health? After being diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease called Interstitial Cystitis in 2018, I made some major lifestyle changes and began to focus my life on reducing household toxins, learning how to nourish my body with food made from fresh, organic ingredients, and understanding my own body and health.
I was able to enter permanent remission in 2020 and haven't looked back since! Now, I spend my time focused on helping others pursue their healthiest self -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have a passion for young women and mamas, providing tips & encouragement for those interested in holistic health especially in the seasons of hoping to get pregnant, pregnancy and motherhood.
​Head on over to the OrganiMama Blog for weekly updates on toxin-free living!
You can also find more of my holistic living content on Instagram here.