I've curated an easy to shop Amazon list of 100 random low tox items for your home!
Here are the main materials you want to use in your kitchen/home:
Solid wood: This is a great alternative for plastic utensils and cutting boards.
Medical/Food Grade Silicone: only for use at room temperature or cold, great option to replace your plastic!
Stainless steel: The best lightweight material to cook with and it can function just like a non-stick skillet if heated properly! Stainless steel utensils are also a great swap.
Cast Iron: This material will give you amazing heat retention and are a great non-toxic swap for your non-stick skillets and muffin tins.
Glass: My favorite material for food storage, mixing bowls, and drinking containers (water bottles or glasses).
Check out my Amazon list for some great swaps in all these categories!
If you want HUNDREDS more toxin free swaps for your home, check out my guide OrganiHome below!